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Skabbik’s Plaguepack

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Popular Nemesis Pairings:

Voidcursed Thralls

Credit: Warhammer Community

Skabbik the Clans Pestilens leads this warband of Skaven, known for their virulent diseases and foul stench. With a focus on spreading contagion and sowing chaos, they excel at disrupting enemy plans and seizing objectives through sheer aggression and biological warfare, making them a challenging opponent to face for those unprepared for their putrid resilience.

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  • Although considered an aggro warband, Skabbik's Plaguepack does best when counterpunching. Consider going for an offset board placement to create a chokepoint for enemies coming to you 

  • Typically you'll want to place Rikkit near the front of the board since he is your worst fighter (outside of Skritter)

  • You can then place Rabidius right behind him - this means that enemies charging in to take out Rikkit, will find themselves within Rabidius's range 2 attack. If your opponent misses the attack against Rikkit, you can score Useful Distraction right away and punish them with Rabidius

  • Be careful not to put Rabidius in danger though. He's one of your two strongest fighters and your goal is to get him inspired at all costs

  • Skritter should also be placed near the front of the board. Since he doesn't give your opponent any glory upon being killed, opponents will have to decide whether it's worth wasting an activation on him. If they do, then great. If they don't, you can use Skritter to corrupt a territory at the end of the round

  • Itchitt and Skabbik should be placed near the middle of the board ideally. Skabbik is your other best fighter and your priority is to get him inspired for round 2

  • Place Poxlix towards the back of the board. He's not too much of a threat early but obtains decent stats once inspired, including an additional wound

  • Ideally, try to place your befoulers in range of an objective in neutral or enemy territory to help you corrupt those territories more easily


  • It's key for you to corrupt at least two territories by the end of round 1 to meet your inspiration condition. Your fighters aren't particularly strong, but gain some nice stats once inspired

  • You'll almost always corrupt your own territory just by having two fighters in it

  • Place at least one objective token in no one's territory to make corrupting a second territory easier

  • If you know you're going to play very aggressive and invade into enemy territory, you can also place the objective token in enemy territory within 1 hex of no one's territory

  • If you win the roll-off when starting the game, your best option is almost always to elect to go second. This allows you to counterpunch more effectively, and more importantly, gives you the last activation of the first round to fulfill your corruption criteria

  • Save your move and push gambits for the final power phase of the first round to help you corrupt territories and minimize the chance your opponent denies you

Voidcursed Thralls Nemesis Pairing

  • The Voidcursed Thralls deck is a strong pairing because it provides you with more pushes, slightly stronger defensive stats (one shield), and prevents your fighters from being pushed off of objectives that you need for corruption

  • Cards like Refashioned Priorities, Refashioned Reactions, or Forced Movements will all help you make additional moves to help you corrupt the battlefield 

  • Additionally, it provides you with some much needed end-phase objectives that their deck is otherwise lacking. For example, Uncounted Cost, Threatening Presence, and Reshaped Realm

  • It can be a good idea to take a board with a lethal hex. This can sometimes help you score Uncounted Cost or Reshaped Realm at the end of third round by killing you own non-voidcursed fighters 


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