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Hedkrakka’s Madmob

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Popular Nemesis Pairings:

Daring Delvers, Tooth & Claw, Breakneck Slaughter, Fearsome Fortress

Credit: Warhammer Community

Led by Hedkrakka, this warband of Savage Orruks specializes in unpredictability and ferocity. With a focus on unleashing the primal fury of their warpaint, they excel at disrupting enemy plans and seizing objectives through sheer aggression and unbridled savagery, making them a challenging opponent to face for those unprepared for their wild nature.

Fighter Cards


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  • Dakko is your least valuable fighter and can therefore often times be placed near the front of the board. With his range 3 attack, this can also sometimes yield in some free attacks against fighters that are positioned close to your territory

  • Hedkrakka should be placed in the back of your formation. You rely on him being alive to inspire your fighters and taking him out is often times the only way your opponent will be able to take the primacy token

  • If you're up against a defensive warband such as Cyreni and are longboarded, it can pay off to place an objective token in enemy territory immediately next to no-man's land. You can then use your first activation to move up with Dakko and immediately claim the primacy token if there's no enemy's within two hexes of the token. Simply placing the objective token here will often times force your opponent to set up less defensive than they wanted to  just to prevent you from claiming the token

Primacy Token and Inspiration

  • Hedkrakka's is the only warband still using the primacy system. You benefit immensely from holding the token and finishing each round with it. You have many tools to obtain the primacy token, while your opponen'ts generally can only take it by killing your leader

  • 'Primal Brutality' is one of your strongest cards as it allows you to gain the primacy token in any power step. If you have this in your hand, it's often a good idea to hold on to it until the end of the round to guarantee that you finish the round with the primacy token, guaranteeing you at least one glory. It also allows you to play cards such as 'Primal Kunnin' and 'Unhinged Ferocity' (which discard the token) without concern since you know you'll be able to get it back again no matter what

  • When you gain the primacy token (and if your leader is still alive), you get to choose who to inspire. Your priority fighters to inspire are typically Hedkrakka and Toofdagga as they gain the biggest stat boosts from inspiring. Wollop can be a good choice if you need to take advantage of Cleave. Dakko should always be last to inspire

  • 'Unhinged Ferocity' and 'Spirit of the Beast' are excellent tools to help you inspire more quickly and can also be used to inspire if your leader was taken out of action

General tips

  • 'Thick Hide' is an excellent card in general, but especially against ping heavy decks such as Rimewyrm's Bite

  • 'Spirit of the Beast' is best placed on Hedkrakka and Toofdagga, not only because they're your two most valuable fighters, but because their 2-dodge defense characteristic means they benefit the most from being on guard

  • If you include 'Dead Sneaky' in your deck, make sure to use the Plunder reaction if you take a fighter out of action even if the card is not in your hand yet. You may end up drawing the card and having used the Plunder reaction earlier in the round means you only have to complete one more reaction to score this


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