Q: Can a player use Revealed Aspect to remove an opponent’s Bane of Heroes upgrade from their fighter and add it to their hand? A: Yes.
Q: If a player adds an opponent’s Bane of Heroes to their hand, can they then play that card?
A: Yes.
Q: If a player adds an opponent’s Bane of Heroes upgrade to their hand and discards it, whose discard pile does it go to?
A: The owner’s Power discard pile.
Q: If the Bane of Heroes is given to Skritter and Skritter is removed from play as per the Worthless ability, does the Bane of Heroes break?
A: No.
Q: If a fighter with the Bane of Heroes is given the Perfect Blade upgrade and then taken out of action, does the Bane of Heroes break?
A: No.
Q: The Bane of Heroes becomes Rimelocked and is turned face down by Frozen Solid. While it is face down, is the upgraded fighter still considered to have a Bane of Heroes upgrade? Can the fighter with that upgrade be chosen and pushed with The Curse Demands?
A: No to both.
Q: The Bane of Heroes becomes Rimelocked and is turned face down by Frozen Solid. If the upgraded fighter is taken out of action while the Bane of Heroes is face down, does the Bane of Heroes break?
A: No.
Q: The Bane of Heroes upgrade can deal damage to a fighter ‘at the end of the action phase’. Is there a Surge step or Inspire step after that damage is dealt?
A: No.
Q: Can a player use the reaction on Weakened Soul to give it to a fighter who is given the Bane of Heroes upgrade after deployment? If yes, which reaction window do I use?
A: Yes. The card creates its own reaction window.