Q: After the reaction step that follows an activation step, there are twelve fighters that each have one Momentum counter. After resolving the Impetus ability, and having pushed or staggered all 12 fighters, how many times have I resolved the Impetus ability?
A: Once
Q: After the reaction step that follows an activation step, do I resolve the Impetus ability for each fighter that has one or more Momentum counters?
A: Yes
Q: How does my opponent resolve the Impetus ability for a friendly fighter that has more Momentum counters than they can be pushed in hexes but cannot be staggered?
A: The opponent is free to pick any direction for the push, provided that the fighter can be pushed at least 1 hex. Then remove that fighter’s Momentum counters, and nothing else happens
Q: How does my opponent resolve the Impetus ability for a friendly fighter that has one or more Momentum counters but cannot be pushed and cannot be staggered?
A: Remove that fighter’s Momentum counters, and nothing else happens
Q: A friendly fighter has two Momentum counters and cannot be staggered. There are a variety of directions in which they could be pushed the two hexes they must be pushed to resolve the Impetus ability, but there are also other directions that would result in them not being pushed (for instance, they are next to a blocked hex or an edge hex). Is my opponent obliged to place the scatter token in such a way so that the fighter is then pushed the full two hexes if possible?
A: Yes. Since the fighter cannot be staggered, and the Impetus ability must be resolved, this is the only way to fully resolve the card
Q: Who resolves the Impetus ability first if I am the only player with the Breakneck Slaughter plot card and both friendly and enemy fighters have Momentum counters?
A: The player whose turn it is decides
Need for Speed
Q: Can I score this card if there are two surviving friendly fighters that each have one Move token and two other surviving friendly fighters that each have one Charge token?
A: Yes
Eager for the Fight
Q: Can I score this card if I have some fighters with Charge tokens and some fighters with no Charge tokens, provided that those with no Charge tokens are within 2 hexes of one or more enemy fighters?
A: Yes